Title: "Indie Artist Tribe: Season Four Kickoff - Unveiling the World of Multi-Hyphenate Artists"
Embark on a creative exploration in the Season Four intro of the Indie Artist Tribe podcast. Angela Matemotja, your host, shares her journey since the 2019 season, unveiling a shift from Indie Film Tribe to Indie Artist Tribe. This change reflects her keen interest in spotlighting multi-hyphenate artists across diverse fields, extending beyond film. Get a glimpse into Angela's experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, where she found a renewed focus on screenwriting. Anticipate upcoming episodes featuring interviews with various multi-hyphenate artists and industry experts, offering valuable insight into their creative processes. Mark your calendar for the first official episode release on December 5th.
00:00 Introduction and Welcome Back
01:22 The Transformation from Indie Film Tribe to Indie Artist Tribe
03:40 Being a Multi-Hyphenate Artist
04:11 Podcast Release Schedule and Format
05:22 Where Has Angela Been?
08:34 The Journey of Becoming a Confident Screenwriter
12:31 What's to Come in Indie Artist Tribe
13:12 Guests Preview and Closing Remarks.